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Joint IRTG & DCPS Poster Symposium

Great joint venture between the two graduate programs of IRTG CRC 973 and DRS-Plant Sciences!

The unique opportunity:
The end of the year approaches and plenty of scientific results have been produced and presented on conferences in some cases. These results are of great interest to our young scientific community. Communicating results to this generalist audience requires out of the box thinking that is probably not frequently stimulated in our own specialized scientific groups. Take the opportunity to train your communication skills on that unique occasion and present a new poster or one that you’ve prepared for a conference recently.

The challenge:
We invite you to present your poster at the PhD Poster Party. The best posters will be awarded with a prize.

The location:
The meeting will take place on the 6 of December 2013 in the main hall of the ‘Pflaphy’ building, Königin-Luise-Str. 12-16. The poster session will start at 2 pm and at 5 pm we will have Glühwein (hot wine punch) with poster awards.

The organization:
Please tell us (Marco Cosme, Roman Lassig, Sören Werner, Michèle Bandoly, Tiziana Guerra, Tobias Otte or Diana Mutz), if you are presenting a poster, so that we can provide sufficient numbers of pin boards!

Winner of the poster price:

1. Tiziana Guerra (CRC 973)

2. Onno Calf (CRC 973)

3. Jenny Engelmann (DCPS)