2 PhD positions in Epigenetics of Priming and Memory in Plants
65%-Part-time employment, limited to 30.06.2020
Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L FU
reference code: BCP IBE 01/17-E
Two PhD positions are available within the CRC 973 "Priming and Memory of Organismic Responses to Stress" in the group of Prof. Daniel Schubert (project C7). The projects will study the role of epigenetic gene regulation in stress priming and memory in annual and perennial plants. The PhD students will become member of the integrated graduate school of the CRC which offers an interdisciplinary study program and extensive exchange with other students.
Job description: Position 1 will focus on the characterization of stress-inducible chromatin modifications and their role in priming and memory. The work will involve epigenetic and epigenomic analyses, biochemistry and molecular biology. Position 2 will focus on genetic analyses of priming and memory, using a unique set of epigenetic mutants and mutants with a very extended lifespan, and combine epigenetics with ecological aspects. Both positions will build on epigenomic analyses using NGS technology and require an interest in the subsequent bioinformatic analyses.
Requirements: Master in Biology or Biochemistry
Work experience: Candidates are expected to have a strong experimental background in molecular plant sciences, plant biochemistry or (epi)genetics, experience in bioinformatics (using R) and Microsoft Office is an advantage.
Desirable: Very good English skills are important, German skills are not a requirement, but advantageous. The candidates should be team players and have the ability to work conceptually and independently.
Applications should contain a single PDF file, comprise study records, two letters of recommendation, a motivation letter clearly stating the interest in the project and the group and a CV quoting the reference code should be received no later than September 26th 2016 to Dan.Schubert@fu-berlin.de or by mail to
Freie Universität Berlin
Fachbereich Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie
Institut für Biologie
Arbeitsgruppe Prof. Dr. Daniel Schubert-/ Epigenetik der Pflanzen-
Herrn Prof. Dr. Daniel Schubert
Königin-Luise-Str. 12-16
14195 Berlin (Dahlem)
Freie Universität Berlin is an equal opportunity employer.